Boy and Baby: Prayers Answered

  Ill Boy Spurs Worldwide Prayer for Dying Baby: Both are Healed “While on a ventilator, the actions of 14-year-old hospital patient Tristan Wiggins ignited worldwide prayer on behalf of fragile baby struggling for her life. ” Story Here

The Vicar of Bagdad

The Vicar of Bagdad  “…1,096 of his parishioners at St. George’s have been killed in just the past five years.”…”A few months ago, 58 people were gunned down and killed during worship at the Syrian Catholic church [in Bagdad].” … “So many of our brothers and sisters here in Baghdad have been killed, kidnapped, or…

Teen’s Courage and Compassion

“In 1996, a black teenager protected a white man from an angry mob who thought he supported the racist Ku Klux Klan….Her religious beliefs played a part. But her own experience of violence was a factor, too…. It was an act of extraordinary courage and kindness – and is still inspiring people today.”

African Churches Shelter Muslims

Churches shelter Muslims in Central African Republic (RNS) Churches in Central African Republic are caring for thousands of Muslims who have been trapped in a cycle of revenge attacks, perpetrated by a pro-Christian militia. Story here New, related story, see here “The Alliance of Evangelical Churches even pledged to take action against Christians who “distort…